S - Scripture
Proverbs 17 v. 27 He who restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has
a cool spirit is a man of understanding.
O - Observation
Know when to shut up. One of my favorite Bugs Bunny lines is the Mobster telling Bugs to Shut up Shutting up, while Bugs was just blabbering away. When we are in conflict, sometimes its best not to say anything. This is true as Jesus was being questioned by Pilate. He said his piece and then kept quite. There was nothing else to say. The other thing is this, people can't judge you thoughts if you don't open your mouth. It you can't control what you say, then don't say anything.
A - Application
Do I know when to speak and
when to be quite?
P - Prayer
Jesus, Help me to know when to use my words wisely and know when NOT to use my words. Love Will.
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