Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A day in God's courts is better than a thousand elsewhere

S - Scripture
Psalm 84 v. 10 For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere.
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the
tents of wickedness.

O - Observation
The perfect place to be. To be in God's house. I used to struggle with this
one, since I thought Church was rather boring. What? A day, a full day at
church vs. hiking in the mountains, tailgating and watching a football game?
What? It didn't compute. But, I've come to realize this key verse. 1 Peter
2 v. 5a, "And like LIVING STONES be yourselves BUILT INTO A SPIRITUAL
HOUSE." So when we assemble with other Christians, each of us our one
stones, creates a house. A house of God. Now knowing that, yep, I'd rather
spend a day in this house, built with the living stones, then thousands

A - Application
Am I spending time in God's living house?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Thanks for the LIVING STONES in my life.  Love Will

Image by Joseph Redfield Nino from Pixabay

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Be Heart Strong!

S - Scripture
Psalm 84 v. 5 Blessed are the men whose strength is in thee, in whose hearts are the highways to Zion.

O - Observation
Strong body, strong heart. Where is our strength? Does God see strength the way that society see's it? Big, bulging mussels? Power and authority. Here's some insight into how God see's strength. The Lord told Samuel when he was looking for a King, his insight into strength when he said in 1 Samuel 16 v. 17b, "For the Lord see's not as man see's; man looks on the outward appearance, but he Lord looks on the Heart." Yes, a strong heart is a heart that beats for the Lord. What about position strength? Jesus makes it clear how he sees this in Matthew  23 v. 11a, "He who is greatest among you shall be your servant."

A - Application
So.. now that I know what strength is in God's eyes. Am I in HIS gym lifting the weights?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Let me be "strong" in your eyes.  Love Will

Photo by Heather Ford on Unsplash

Monday, June 28, 2021

Choose where to dwell


S - Scripture
Psalm 84 v. 4 Blessed are those who dwell in thy house, ever singing thy praise.

O - Observation
Dwelling in the house of the Lord. To do this is to be blessed. Webster defines dwell as "live". How do we go about living in the house of the Lord? First we need to find it. We need to seek out the truth. John 14 v. 6, "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, AND THE TRUTH, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me." So reading the Bible points us to the house of the Lord. Once we have found it, we must do what it says. Jesus boiled it down to two guiding principles in Matthew 22 v,. 37, "You shall love the Lord your God with  all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. AND You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Dwelling in God's house = LOVE.

A - Application
Where am I choosing to dwell?

P - Prayer
Jesus, Thank you for giving me such an awesome dwelling place.  Love Will

Image by stempow from Pixabay

Saturday, June 26, 2021



SCRIPTURE: Acts 16:40 So they went out of the prison and visited Lydia. And when they had seen the brothers, they ENCOURAGED them and departed.

OBSERVATION: This follows the amazing account of Paul and Silas being unjustly jailed, being delivered by an earthquake, sharing the good news of Jesus with the frightened and suicidal jailer and baptizing his household. Our God can Redeem every situation for those who put their faith and trust in Him. To be encouraged is a wonderful feeling, and having the ability to encourage is a beautiful gift. The source of real encouragement is always God, He is in all, through all, and the Author of the spirit of encouragement. To be an encouragement to those around us is our calling as children of the Heavenly Father.

APPLICATION: If you know someone who needs encouragement, please take the time to offer it. If you need encouragement I pray you will find it. Discouragement is a tool of Satan to rob us of joy, but the light of Jesus drives out the darkness. John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness and the darkness shall not overcome it. Jesus always overcomes evil, put you trust in Him!

PRAYER: Gracious Father, thank you for sending Jesus to save us from the plots of Satan. Lord I pray that I will be able to encourage others by sharing Your love. In Jesus Name, Amen